Monday, August 31, 2015


    Rousseau was a French Philosopher, who strongly influenced the French Revolution and the development of the Liberal, Conservative, and Socialist Theory.    Rousseau believed in many things. He had many opinions when it came to other philosophers. He said that "Grotius paid too much attention to what was rather than what ought to be. And unquestionably accepted the power of aristocracy." On the other hand believed that Hobbes asserted that people had a choice of being free or being ruled. He said "Either they relinquished their freedom or they removed themselves from civil society to live a brutish existence."  Rousseau believed in slavery. He found the fact of war as another justification for the "right" of slavery. Although i say the right to enslave has no existence. Not only because it is without legal valediction but also because it is cruel and meaningless. 
    The Declaration's main purpose was to provide a moral and legal justification for that rebellion. Machiavelli thought that the government had power over the people while Jefferson thought the power came from the people. Machiavelli's form of government was more forceful and harsh. He felt that there needed to be fear in the people in order for them to abide by the rules.  Unlike Machiavelli,  Jefferson believed that people had their own rights and freedom.  Thomas Jefferson trusted people and believed all men were created equally while Machiavelli believed people were untrustworthy. Machiavelli and Jefferson's beliefs would not work together because it would cause a lot of problems between the people. Jefferson would not have agreed with Machiavelli's advice because their beliefs were completely different. 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Lao-Tzu vs. Machiavelli

    There are many significant differences when it comes to Lao-Tzu and Machiavelli's governing processes. Lao-Tzu believed in a more relaxed state of governing. He believed that the less the government intervened the better the system would be. Lao-Tzu thought the more they stepped in, the more the citizens would feel the need to act out and not feel trusted. The government should only step in when absolutely necessary.

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      Machiavelli had a different perspective when it came to governing. Machiavelli was more similar to a well oiled machine. His practices were more based off of morals and traditions. The only code followed by a Machiavellian prince was the "acquisition, retention, and expansion of power." He believed that a prince should do whatever it was in his power to maintain his state. He also at the same time tired to inflict fear in the process. He taught the prince's to use the art of deception and inspire fear if they wanted to be successful.
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